The sale of homes rises 53.5% in July and marks its maximum in 13 years

Tuesday, 28 September, 2021

The statistic chains five consecutive months of positive rates | The sale of used apartments increased 56.9%

The sale of homes soared 53.5% last July in relation to the same month of 2020, to add 50,258 operations, its highest figure since April 2008, when more than 54,000 transactions were carried out, as reported this Wednesday the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

With the year-on-year advance in July, the sale of homes has recorded positive rates for five consecutive months after the increases of 32.4% and 65.9% registered in March and April, respectively, from 107.6% in May and 73 , 5% in June.

Legacy homes can be sold now without waiting for unforeseen heirs

Tuesday, 28 September, 2021

With the pandemic and the death of many elderly people, the real estate sector has received a significant injection of housing stock for sale and rent. With the legal change on Friday, inherited home purchases that in the past required a warning from notaries to buyers, are no longer valid. Until now, many of these operations could be blocked or be susceptible to mistrust, due to the risk...

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