Referencia inmueble: Ibex Insurance Health Open Day Mallorca
Good Morning,
<br><span><br>We are writing to invite you to our ‘Health Open Day´ at our
offices on the 20th September from 10am to 4pm.</span>
<br><br>With Brexit deadline approaching we have had a massive increase
in requests for Health Insurance quotes so we have decided to have an Open Day.
We will have our Health Insurance Specialist Carrie Ann from
the mainland here to give information on Health Insurance requirements for Residencias
and to answer and queries you may have regarding Health Insurance covers here in
Spain, what’s included and the best covers to suit your personal requirements....
Good Morning,
<br><span><br>We are writing to invite you to our ‘Health Open Day´ at our
offices on the 20th September from 10am to 4pm.</span>
<br><br>With Brexit deadline approaching we have had a massive increase
in requests for Health Insurance quotes so we have decided to have an Open Day.
We will have our Health Insurance Specialist Carrie Ann from
the mainland here to give information on Health Insurance requirements for Residencias
and to answer and queries you may have regarding Health Insurance covers here in
Spain, what’s included and the best covers to suit your personal requirements.
<br><span><br>We will provide light refreshments and each attendee will receive a free gift, we
will have free blood pressure testing and the team from Cancer Support Group Mallorca
will also be here to promote Cancer Awareness.<br><br></span>We hope that you will be able to attend, please share with
anyone else you feel may benefit from attending the Open day.
<br><span><br>If you would like more information please do not heisted to contact
myself or Anke on 971 677 733 or email <a target="" rel=""></a></span>
<br><span><br>We look forward to hearing from you soon</span><span><br><br>Kind regards<br>Stacey <br><br></span>Stacey Coffey | Customer Service Advisor | Ibex Insurance Services Limited Calle Zaragoza 1, C.C. Mercadona, Son Caliu, 07181 Calvià, Mallorca, BalearesT: 971 677 733 / 971 681 205WhatsApp: + 34 608 493 232<span>E: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></span>Skype: ibex.stacey<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><span><br><br><br></span><br>
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